

Monday 16 January 2012

Estyn by Dr Russell Grigg

Todays in Andys lecture we had a guest speaker called Russell Grigg who is head of South West Wales centre of teacher education. From this lecture we learnt about the company estyn.
Estyn is a company that:
● inspects quality and standdards in education and training providers in Wales
● Nursery, primary, secondary, independent ans special needs
● Pupil referral units
● Further education
● Adult community learning
● Local authority education services for children and young people
● Teacher education and training
● Work-based learning

ESTYN inspect a considerable amount of educational facilities such as nurseries, primary, secondary, independent, adult community learning, local authority services for children and young people, teacher education and training, work based learning, career companies and offender learning. ESTYN also inspects higher education for instance Universities and colleges. (ESTYN)

Furthermore ESTYN ‘provide advice to the Welsh Assembly Government on quality and standards in education and training in Wales and promote the spread of good practice in education and training.’ (ESTYN)

The role of ESTYN is to write reports on the schools they have inspected in order for the schools to make progress and improve on their standards. The ESTYN report framework covers areas such as standards, well-being, learning experiences, teaching, care, support and guidance, learning environment, leadership, improving quality, partnership working and resource management.

The reports are accommodating for parents who want to see how their child’s school is performing. Also it is helpful for the community, parliament to know the educational establishments that are performing well and those that are not in order for them to be worked on so they have improved quality and standards. The inspection reports likewise help schools as it informs them on what they are doing well and what aspects of the school need to be improved on. ESTYN states that ‘The purpose of inspection is to identify good features and shortcomings so that education and training providers can improve the quality of education they offer and raise the standards achieved by their learners’

ESTYN http://www.estyn.gov.uk/english/about-us/role-and-remit/. Retrieved 16th April 2012

Tuesday 10 January 2012


On placement, i attened Gowerton Primary school. For the first half of the week i was in year 3. I enjoyed every moment of my time there and got so much experience. I learnt about different teaching methods and how the teacher I was with dealt with certain puplis in different ways to others. As my placement was over the christmas period mostly everday I was there was based around doing the christmas concerts, making christmas cards and other christmas based activities. For the second half of the week I was in the juniors. I found being there I was able to view more teaching techniques within maths and english. The class had done most of their practices for their christmas already so I didnt have to rush back and forth to the hall. Im looking at trying to get in another school for more experience soon.