

Monday 12 May 2014

Science - Podcast

To make it easier to see all my blogs related to the science podcast I have added labels to all of the ones that I have created.

You will be able to find all of them on the right hand side of my blog under 
> labels > Science Podcast

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Assignment Part 2: The final outcome

There is our final stop-motion animation video :) hope you enjoy watching it!

And also remember to - REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE 


When we had to go into uni to show the class our stop-motion animation, we got to watch everyone else's. It was amazing to see all the different stop-motion animations that everyone had created.  Some of the ideas people came up with were really interesting to watch. One of the films was really empowering and had a really good message about bully, which was really quite emotional but empowering at the same time.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Science - Podcast Review

Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed taking in this project, and the whole aspect of using an outdoor leaning environment to inspire our research.  It was interesting to find and discover all the facts about plants and their amazing uses that I was unaware of before starting this and how may different plants are relied on so much all over their world for their healing properties and how they are used for medicines.

StrengthsI believe that our biggest strength is how we were able to link medicinal plants and our trip to the Botanical Garden so well and in addition we found some additional information about plants for health. I also feel that the information that we came across about the Lingonberrie plant was a fantastic find and linked in really well with our podcast.  Furthermore I feel that as a group we all worked well together and all contributed effectively in order to produce and find some really great information; going to the Botanical Gardens again in our own time to obtain added research really benefited the podcast as well.

The program that we used to create the podcast which is called Audacity was quite difficult for us as a group to use as none of us were particularly familiar and experienced with it and its different function.

Improvements If we had the opportunity to do the podcast again I think it would be beneficial to learn a bit more about Audacity to fully understand how it works, and add extra effects e.g. music and sounds.

This module has been very fun as it is completely different to other modules that I have done in Uni.  I have enjoyed all the creative parts to the module as I love anything that is creative and I would definitely choose to do this again. 

Thank you Anne :)

Friday 2 May 2014

Science - Podcast Medicines in May at the Botanical Garden

As we were researching for extra information we came across 'Medicines in May' which was an event being held in the National Botanical Gardens.  When I saw this I immediately thought it would be a brilliant idea to go and see what it was all about.  In the description on their website noted that there would be talks, tours, exhibitions, events and family activities all linked to the theme of Plants for Health and includes reflections of the historic use of medicinal plants that they have there at the Garden.

Here are some pictures from the day: