

Tuesday 18 October 2011

my first presentation

My group for the presentation consisted of Natalie,Amy,Amy and myself. For our presentation we decided to research Andy Warhol a famous artist because we all shared an interest in his work especially the painting that he created of Marilyn Monroe. To decide on the website we were going to use we typed in Andy Warhol into google, we looked at some of the websites that came up and decided on the one that we all thought was the best which was an Andy Warhol museum. Even though this was a museum and not specifically Andy Warhol's actual website it consisted all the information about him and practically everything you would need to know. We thought the website was really usful and we found out that it had been updated not so long ago so we found that reliable. We thought to make the website better it should have a feed back page for people to leave information about the museum so people can look if people enjoyed going. Overall we gave the website 9/10. I think our presentation went okay we all worked well together to get as much inforamtion as we could for the presentation.

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