

Thursday 27 February 2014


A Phenakistoscope is a spinning disc attached vertically to a handle. Displayed around the disc's center is a series of drawings showing phases of the animation, and cut through it are a series of equally spaced radial slits. We would spin the disc and look through the moving slits at the disc's reflection in a mirror. The scanning of the slits across the reflected images kept them from simply blurring together, so that the we would see a rapid succession of images that appeared to be a single moving picture. (Wikipedia, 2014)

Here is a link to some more information and background on the Phenakistoscope:


Here's a video of how to create a Phenakistoscope:

Thursday 20 February 2014


thaumatrope is a toy that was popular in Victorian times. A disk or card with a picture on each side is attached to two pieces of string. When the strings are twirled quickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to combine into a single image due to the phi phenomenon and persistence of vision. 



  • zoetrope is a device that produces the illusion of motion from a rapid succession of still pictures.

  • The zoetrope consists of a cylinder with slits cut into the sides. On the inner surface of the cylinder is a band with images from a set of sequenced pictures.

  • As the cylinder spins, you look through the slits at the pictures across and you see a rapid succession of images, producing the illusion of motion.
(Oxford Dictionary, 2014) 

Below are some links to some use sites that give more information on Zoetrope



And here is a video show a Zoetrope:

Sunday 16 February 2014

Assignment part 2

For the second part of our assignment we were required to create a short stop-motion animation film in pairs or small groups.  Myself and Sara Gwynn paired up to make a start on this second part where we initially came up with the idea to create a stop-motion video using clay and play dough animals and models. We started off by trying to decide how our film was going to portray a contemporary issue and how we were going to create these animals or models.  As we could not decide at first what our issue would be, we thought we would make a start on trying to create the clay models/animals.  However this did not go according to plan, having researched the types of animals we could make out of play dough we initially thought it looked like a pretty straight forward process and as we love anything to do with creativity and making things we thought we could make and create these animals/models easily.  When it came to the creative part of trying to assemble and make any type of animal it proved to be extremely difficult, the play dough would not stick together and was falling apart, and anything we tried to do was not working to our benefit. I did manage to make a fly but this eventually fell apart as well.

Below are some pictures of our initial attempt 

Saturday 15 February 2014

An ICT Rich Environment

When it comes to exploring the impacts the learning environment has on the learner, many researchers and designers of the learning environment often debate whether the learner should adapt to the environment or if the learning environment should adapt to them.  However these types of questions can be argued as wrong.  Instead a better question would be to ask ourselves, how the learning environment shapes the learner and also how the learner influences the learning environment.  This would consist understanding the incentives of the learner with respect to the time and place in which a person obtains knowledge (Lave and Wenger, 1991). 

Twenty first century learning environments are intended to be places in which the learner is engaged in self-directed, cooperative activities and the physical environment is planned so that it can be routinely reorganised to meditate learning (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2002). 

When it comes to school environments the goal for all teachers is to provide effective instruction that lead to student learning.  However that particular goal is dependent on having a safe and supportive environment in which teachers can teach and students can learn.  Without having an environment that learners feel comfortable in and are able to reach their full learning potential, instructional and learning time is lost.

The many different environments in which we learn can all have different impacts both negative and positive, on the way in which we develop a sense of understanding.  Montessori developed teaching tools that encouraged learners to explore their environments through self-directed and co-operative learning activates.  When focusing on ICT rich environments, it is important to understand that with all the positive effects it can bring to the learning environment and ones enquiring mind it also comes with many negative effects as well.  ICT rich classrooms can enhance the interest that young children have towards education, as they often see the approach as fun and exciting and tend to become more interested in learning and engage more.  Today’s instructional settings have been introduced with computers, tablets and SMART boards. All these different types of technologies come with the following advantages:

  • ·        Using the internet for research
  • ·        Playing educational games
  • ·        Creating PowerPoints for classroom presentations
  • ·        Using Microsoft word for essay writing and classroom displays
  • ·        Allows the opportunity for learners to present work in a variety of ways
There are so many more advantages; this is merely a small list of examples. 

Many children, including adolescents tend to be distracted quite easily and become very bored with the traditional classroom environment where they just use pen and paper to do/complete their work.  Incorporating ICT into the learning environment enables these learners with the opportunity to use a wide selection of programs, and teachers can set up tasks on the computers for pupils to complete e.g. work sheets or designing leaflets.  Those pupils who have learning difficulties can benefit from many of the programs that are found on computers, that aid with drawing, spelling, reading, maths and so many more.  Most educational programmes that are used on computers are designed in a way that is attractive to the learner, with colourful and eye-catching layouts.  When I was in primary school I remember simply copying from a black board which I found very boring, you were only able to write on it in chalk, which I found very dull and would become uninterested and never volunteered to answer questions were I would have to write and answer on the board. In practically every school setting today black boards have been replaced with the interactive white boards.  Anything that is done on a computer monitor can then be replicated on an interactive white board.  Teachers are able to create engaging lessons such as matching activity where pupils can match items using their fingers or a pen; this is creative experience for pupils and a fun way for them to learn.  This technology makes the one-computer classroom a workable instructional model.
Once issue that comes with ICT rich classrooms, is that all teachers and staff are expected to know how to incorporate and use ICT in their classroom.  Many teachers may find it difficult to understanding the different functions of computers and how they work, which causes some concerns.  These concerns would be that some teachers may not understand the numerous functions of computers and how they generally work, thus becoming unwilling and unconfident to incorporate them into the classroom environment.  Many teachers can believe that one of the biggest disadvantages to using ICT within the classroom is the use of the internet, and can tend to argued that not only can it become addictive but can possibly prevent children from thinking from themselves, as they can simply search the internet (google) for answers to questions.  Nowadays you can search the internet for practically anything you need to know, and pupils may take advantage of this, thus I believe they are not fully engaging in the learning experience.  When teachers set task sheets with questions of previous lessons, pupils can simple search the internet for the answers without even thinking about it.  This could become a serious problem if teachers do not limit pupils access to computers, as well as limiting their usage to prevent them becoming addicted. 

Overall I believe that integrating ICT into the learning environment has certainly changed the way in which teachers are able to teach, and has positive effects on engaging pupils within certain aspects of learning.  I think that all the advantages that I have read and researched outweigh the negative and believe that ICT can be a rewarding experience if used within education and has encouraging prospects on the enquiring mind.

Lave, J. and Wenger, E. 1991. Situated learning. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press

Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2002Learning for the 21st century [pdf] http://www.p21.org/storage/documents/P21_Report.pdf [Accessed: 16 Apr 2014].

Here are some links that I found quite interesting:

Here is a video full of useful information:

Friday 14 February 2014

Clay animation

Clay animation or clay motion is one of many forms of stop motion animation. It is produced by recording each frame, or still picture, on film or digital media and then playing the recorded frames back together to form a film like animation. Each object involved is sculpted from clay or Plasticine etc,  and then arranged on the set. It is photographed in its initial position and then every slight movement made is also captured. The more photos taken the smoother the film will run. Most Normal film runs at 24 frames per second. Because of this you have to ensure the object is not accidentally moved and nor the lighting or camera changed otherwise your photos will be different and wont flow. A famous clay  animation is morph, which I loved watching on the television program art attack.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Despicable Me 2

The last animation that I watched was Despicable Me 2

The 2013 Amerucan 3D computer-animated comedy-film and the follow on from the 2010 animated film Despicable Me.  A secret laboratory near the Artic Circle is stolen by a mysterious vehicle using a giant magnet. The Anti-Villain League (AVL) tries to recruit former super-villian Gru, now a devoted father to Margo, Edith and Agnes, to find out which evil person stole the lab, which contained a powerful mutagen known as PX-41 which can make indestructible and extremely aggressive monsters out of living organisms. They asked Gru because he, being an ex-villain, knows how villains work. But Gru refuses to help, saying he is a legitimate businessman now. Then Gru learns that Dr. Nefario, his friend and assistant, has decided to leave him for new employment, because he "missed being evil." Gru reluctantly partners with undercover AVL agent Lucy Wilde, and together they search The Paradise Shopping Mall, where they are given a bakery called "Bake My Day" as their headquarters. Gru suspects Mexican restaurant owner Eduardo Perez of being a super-villain called "El Macho", a bad guy who supposedly died after being TNT-laden, skysurfing a shark into the center of an active volcano. After Gru and agent Lucy Wilde have broken into the bakery to try and uncover who the villian is, the story more or less is based around both of them trying to catch the bad guy. Here is a link to give some more information about the films story line: http://cinema.theiapolis.com/movie-2SVK/despicable-me-2/storyline.html

Below is a short tailer to introduce you to the film.

Monday 10 February 2014

Audacity Recording

Audacity Recording

Todays in Mandys lesson, I have learnt how to create a pod cast recording for my science module. The process was really confussing to begin with, but I think I kind of understand it now. Below is a recording of me and my friend talking about science. To make the recording I used the document Audacity, and then uploaded the recording onto archive so I could embed it onto my blog.