

Sunday 16 February 2014

Assignment part 2

For the second part of our assignment we were required to create a short stop-motion animation film in pairs or small groups.  Myself and Sara Gwynn paired up to make a start on this second part where we initially came up with the idea to create a stop-motion video using clay and play dough animals and models. We started off by trying to decide how our film was going to portray a contemporary issue and how we were going to create these animals or models.  As we could not decide at first what our issue would be, we thought we would make a start on trying to create the clay models/animals.  However this did not go according to plan, having researched the types of animals we could make out of play dough we initially thought it looked like a pretty straight forward process and as we love anything to do with creativity and making things we thought we could make and create these animals/models easily.  When it came to the creative part of trying to assemble and make any type of animal it proved to be extremely difficult, the play dough would not stick together and was falling apart, and anything we tried to do was not working to our benefit. I did manage to make a fly but this eventually fell apart as well.

Below are some pictures of our initial attempt 

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