

Thursday 13 March 2014

Sound Effects

"Sound effects play an important role in conveying action.  Music helps express emotion". Michael Geisler

I believe the quote above is very true and relevent. Within a film of course you need a good story line and good actors, but the importance of sound effects is something that most people tend not to think about much at first,  but the subtlety of it can make or break a moment on screen.  A videos sound effects are just as important as its picture, and the use of them in any type of video, whether it be instructional or fictional, reinforces the story by enhancing its realism or adding comedic effect.  Horror movies emphasize sound to draw attention, if you were to watch a horror movie on mute (or any movie for that fact) you would not feel the full effects and become bored of the film, because sounds draw the audience in. Some sound effects can be in the form of music or the change of voices. When the audience is attached to the sound, they lean forward and listen more intently, they become more engaged in the film. Within some films sound effects are able to give the audience the feeling that they are right next to the character, hearing exactly what they hear.

Below is a link to a more in depth description about sound efefcts:

Here are 2 videos, one with no sound at all and the other with sound effects to show how they can make a video really capture what is going on, and engage the audiences imagination. 

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