

Thursday 3 April 2014

Assignment Part 2: Stop-motion animation

 After one of our lessons in uni where both me and Sara created a mini paper stop-motion film using paper, we realised that we were actually quite good at using paper to create stop-motion animations.  So as our initial idea for our stop-motion animation did not go according to plan, we decided to change the whole thing completely and make a stop-motion animation film using paper.  After deciding to change our idea we then had to come up with a contemporary issue to relate our film to, so as we were creating the stop-motion film out of paper we decided that it would be a great idea to focus the film on recycling as paper is recyclable.  

First of all before we could start the film we had to download Zu3D to create our stop-motion film on, this proved quite difficult as in the beginning, the program was successfully downloading onto my laptop but would not open.  After trying numerous different things to try and fix it we finally got it to open and work properly.  

Once this was complete we when had to then set up our work station to start creating our film. Trying to get the right amount of light and place the camera in the exact position was also difficult as wherever we placed the camera it was falling or the focus was not right.  However eventually we manage to hook it onto a wine rack, where it was in the perfect position for us to create our film, with the right amount of light and focus.


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