

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Assignment Part 2: Stop-motion animation

The whole process of making and creating this stop-motion film has been really enjoyable and both me and Sara have really enjoyed the whole process.  At first with the both of us not really being that good with IT and technological things, we were quite worried of not being able to create a stop-motion animation that was good. 

Once we had taken the last shot for our stop-motion animation, it was time to watch the whole thing over were all the shots would be linked together to create the stop-motion animation film. After so much time, effort, dedication and hard work we put into making the film as good as we possibly could, we were so shocked once we had played the whole thing over and couldn't quite believe that we had actually created this film and how professional it looked.  We are so proud of how it has turned out and it just goes to show that hard work and a little bit of belief in ourselves has payed off.  I would definitely like to make another one and see all the different things that could be created and will definitely use Zu3d when I go into a career of teaching or working with children,           

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