

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Assignment Part 2: Stop-motion animation

Making our whole film out of paper has been quite stressful on times as trying to get the perfect shots whilst the paper is in the exact place we needed it to be in and also trying to quickly take our hands out of the image and capture the paper before it moves into the wrong position has get quite annoying on times, especially when the paper was moving out of position just before we could capture image.

One of mine and Sara's favorite parts so far of the stop-motion film is the part where we turn one of our quotes into a tree and make it look like lots of little leaves are falling from sky down onto the tree.  Again even though this looks so simple in the film it took so many shot to move all the little leaves down the page and eventually end up on top of the tree.  At one point when we were doing this Sara coughed and all the leaves flew off the page, so we had to try and get each one back onto the paper in the exact place they were in in the previous shot, luckily we both found it really funny and just carried on.  Next which is the part me and Sara are so proud of is when we came up with the idea of making a mini JCB to move across the page and cut down the tree, showing how trees are cut down to make paper.

To get the JCB to look like it was moving across the screen we had to move it a little bit at a time across the page taking shots every single time it moved.  At this point we had taken over 400 shots.  We have to keep watching everything as we go along as we want to make sure it is all flowing together and looks good.  So far we are enjoying making this stop-motion film so much, as we love anything to do with creativity and art.

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