

Sunday 13 April 2014

Science - Podcast inspiration

Scientific and creative learning
Assignment Part 2

For the second part of our assignment we had to get into groups of no more than three people, to produce a podcast to show how an out of classroom environment can develop an innovative scientific idea.  The podcast could be in the form of a film, documentary, interview or any other contemporary idea.  The podcast has to reflect one of the visits that we have been on; which was either The National Botanical Gardens, the National Museum of Wales or St Fagan’s.

Once we had been on all of the trips our inspiration for the podcast come from The National Botanical Garden.  This Botanic Garden of Wales is set on historic parkland, dating back around 400 years and is such a beautiful place to visit. The National Botanic Garden of Wales opened in May 2000 and is the first national botanic garden to be created in the new millennium.
The gardens mission is to inspire, educate and conserve has not only made this place a wonderful but has made the whole place fascinating and relevant too.  Spread across 560 acres of beautiful country side, the botanical garden has an amazing collection of over 8000 plant varieties.  There are a stunning range of themed gardens that appeal to a wide range of visitors, from those who just love the sight and smells of flowers to those who want to know about Medicinal plants or the latest DNA research into plant evolution.
Being in an outdoor environment got us thinking about what we were seeing and we started to ask ourselves different questions. After discussing our thoughts we came up with a few common questions that we both wanted answered. These were:
  • ·         Why grow so many amazing  plants?
  • ·         Why so many different plants
  • ·         Are they intentional
  • ·         What are they used for
  • ·         Do they all have different purpose
  • ·         Do they grow them there to preserve or use
  • ·         Do they grow them from the beginning

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